
reserve review


Reserving adequacy is crucial to succeeding in the insurance market.  But some of the biggest risks to your reserves are not reflected in the historical claims data.

We give you clear advice on the relative strength of your reserves.  We provide insightful analysis of claims trends and external developments from the wider market.  And we give assurance to the Board to enable you to make well-informed decisions over the level of booked reserves.

How we can help

We provide robust independent challenge on reserves, combined with a collaborative approach and knowledge transfer. 

We tailor our advice according to your needs. We can help with:

  • An independent external opinion on the strength of the reserves and an understanding of the uncertainty around them
  • Independent challenge of approaches and assumptions – a fresh pair of eyes
  • ‘Deep dives’ on particular emerging issues
  • Additional insights – reserving can often be the first function to spot emerging trends or changes in internal processes, and can give valuable management information
  • A market view – we can provide valuable market views and benchmark information regarding trends in frequency, severity and claims inflation.
  • Communicating to stakeholders, whether internal or external capital providers or reinsurance partners.

How we can help

Your capital model can be a powerful tool for understanding your risk profile and making better business decisions, in addition to calculating regulatory capital.

Insurance regulation has become tougher and more sophisticated. We can help you meet regulatory requirements in a way that adds value to the business.

Data has always been the lifeblood of insurance. The recent explosion in the volume of data available to insurers provides great opportunities but will also generate more intense competition.

Risk management is at the core of the insurance business.  We can help you strengthen the links between strategy and risk management, increasing your chances of business success.

Our independent validation advice helps you to use your models with greater confidence and to meet regulatory requirements efficiently.