List of subprocessors


Last Updated: 4 February 2025

We use certain subprocessors in the general running of our business and to assist us in providing our services to our clients. A subprocessor is a third party service provider or data processor engaged by us, who has, or potentially will have, access to or process personal data. We engage different types of subprocessors to perform various functions, as explained in the table below. 

For further information about Lane Clark & Peacock LLP and its subsidiaries, please click here. References to “LCP”, “we”, “us” or “our” may be to Lane Clark & Peacock LLP and/or its subsidiaries (or any one or more of them), as the context requires. 

Contractual safeguards

We require our subprocessors to enter into agreements that satisfy the requirements of Article 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation, including but not limited to obligations to:

  • process personal data in accordance with our documented instructions;
  • ensure that persons authorised to process the personal data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality;
  • not engage a subprocessor without prior specific or our general written authorisation and when engaging a subprocessor, impose the same data protection obligations as are in place between itself and us;
  • provide regular training in security and data protection to personnel to whom they grant access to personal data;
  • implement and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security, integrity and confidentiality of personal data;
  • promptly inform us about any actual or potential security breach; and
  • cooperate with us in order to deal with requests from our clients, data subjects or data protection authorities, as applicable.


The following is an up-to-date list (as at the date at the top of this page) of the names of our key subprocessors and the purposes for which they process personal data, as well as which subsidiaries these are applicable to.

Entity name Purpose Applicable to clients of:


  Lane Clark & Peacock LLP Lane Clark & Peacock Ireland Limited

Box-It UK Ltd

Paper archiving services.  
Box-It personnel are not authorised to view any materials in boxes in storage. They are certified with ISO 27001.
BPR Group Europe Ltd Confidential paper shredding service provider for LCP’s office in London. 
Staff carry out all shredding on-site our office.
Civica Election Services Limited Electoral voting services. 
Whilst LCP maintains the contractual relationship with Civica, personal data is, where possible, sent directly from our clients’ pensions administrators and / or the sponsoring employer to Civica. Civica is certified to ISO27001. Applicable to clients utilising LCP’s outsourced pensions management services in relation to trustee election exercises.
CORVID PayGate Limited Electronic pension payment services to pensioners located within the UK. All transactions processed via any of their secure payment web services are encrypted using the latest SSL encryption. This encrypts all data sent from the browser to PayGate in such a way that only their servers can read it. Applicable to pensions administration clients. X  
Crown Agents Bank Limited Crown Agents Bank Limited provide electronic pension payment services, in local currency, to pensioners located outside the UK. Their cyber security strategy is aligned with ISO 27001 and they are a member of the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Partnership (CISP) of the UK National Cybersecurity Network (NCSC). Applicable to pensions administration clients. X  
Cyclone Shredding Limited Cyclone provide confidential paper shredding service for the Dublin office. They are ISO 9001 and ISO EN15717 accredited.   X
Datasite UK Ltd Datasite provide LCP and our de-risking clients with a secure online data room for our longevity de-risking projects. All data uploaded to the data room is hosted within the EEA and both Datasite and its data rooms are certified to ISO 27001:2013. Applicable to de-risking clients. X  
Data Protect UK Limited Data Protect provide off-site backup media storage services to LCP. All backup media sent to Data Protect is encrypted.



Druva Europe Limited A comprehensive, secure, cloud-based, back-up and restore solution in respect of its Microsoft 365 data. 



DocuSign LCP may use DocuSign eSignature to send and sign agreements securely. DocuSign eSignature complies with the EU eIDAS Regulation and automatically generates and maintains a robust audit trail for every agreement.



Egress Software Technologies Limited Egress provides LCP with a data loss prevention tool which uses machine learning to help protect data shared by email.  Egress AI systems use email message metadata only, which is anonymised and converted into hashed IDs.    



Equisoft Limited Equisoft provides LCP with a pension payroll solution, to enable the processing of multiple payroll cycles and to support flexible payroll frequency, employers and administration functions. Equisoft provides detailed tax workings, calculations, supports flexible processing for pre and post-tax deductions, provides fully automated support for RTI reporting, HMRC data updates and FPS submissions. Equisoft is certified to ISO27001. Applicable to pensions administration clients where we provide payroll services.



Eserve.IT Limited Eserve.IT are used for the destruction of all data hardware that is disposed of (eg disk arrays, servers, PCs, laptops, backup tapes). Data is destroyed either by physical destruction (ie hard disk shredding) or erased using specialist software. The disposal of IT equipment follows the requirements of the EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive. Certificates of media destruction are provided to LCP.



eShare Ltd eShare are an ISO 27001 certified software company, who provide online trustee meeting packs, known as ‘BoardPacks’, software to LCP. All eShare equipment uses encrypted disks. Applicable to trustee clients that use our Logs service.



Greens Ltd Greens Ltd are an ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials certified printing company, providing off-site printing and mailing services to LCP.



Kefron Limited  Kefron provide off-site paper archiving service. They are certified with Cyber Essentials Plus and ISO27001.



Lumera Independent Transition Management (UK) Limited (“ITM”) ITM’s software, Pension Fusion, connects pensions administration clients to the Pensions Dashboard enabling clients to meet their statutory obligations. ITM is ISO 27001 certified.




Mailjet SAS Mailjet provides email delivery services for LCP Horizon. Mailjet is ISO 27001 certified and all data exchanged is encrypted.



Microsoft Microsoft provides LCP with cloud services. Their compliance offerings in respect of information security are numerous and can be found here



NetDocuments Ltd NetDocuments is a document and email management platform providing LCP with email management software.



Optichrome Ltd Optichrome Ltd are an ISO 27001 certified printing company, providing off-site printing and mailing services.


Passageways (UK) Ltd Passageways is an ISO 27001 certified software company, who provide an online board management portal, known as "OnBoard", to LCP as agent for relevant subscribing clients.



Pureprint Group Limited Pureprint are an ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus certified printing company, providing off-site printing services.  


Shred-It Limited Shred-It is our confidential paper shredding service provider for our office in Winchester. All Shred-It employees are screened to BS 7858:2012 which provides comprehensive staff vetting assurances.


Sterling Technology Limited Sterling provide LCP and our de-risking clients with a secure online data room for our longevity de-risking projects. All data uploaded to the data room is hosted within the EEA and both Sterling and its data rooms are certified to ISO 27001:2013. Applicable to de-risking clients.


Target Professional Services UK Ltd Target provide a variety of services to LCP, including member tracing, mortality screening and verification of member data. They are ISO 27001 certified and client data is encrypted with 256-bit AES encryption.


Tico Mail Works lTD Tico are an ISO 27001 certified printing company, providing off-site printing services.   X
VideoSmart Ltd VideoSmart produces a range of videos (including avatar and interactive videos) for LCP's clients to assist them with producing tailored member communications. Videos are hosted on VideoSmart's online software. VideoSmart holds ISO27001 and all videos are held on a secure server. X X
Zest Technology Ltd Zest provides LCP with a flexible benefit system which is provided to some clients. They are certified with ISO 27001. Applicable to clients using LCP’s flexible benefit portal.


None of our subprocessors currently transfers any of our clients’ personal data outside of the UK and EEA, with the exception of the pension payment service providers that we use as part of our Pensions Administration offering, in circumstances where they are instructed to process payments to pension scheme members outside of the UK and EEA. We would use such a provider to process overseas payments for a client’s scheme only on that client’s documented instruction (and thereafter to process specific payments only on that client’s or the relevant member’s documented instruction).

Software providers, network providers and consultancies

We also use a number of software providers, network providers and consultancy firms that, in instances where support is provided, may be able to access our systems and incidentally see personal data.

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