S6 Ep. 10

Investment Uncut: Sir Paul Collier: Why doesn’t the Treasury learn from its mistakes?

Investment Investment strategy Economy

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True or false: the UK has become one of the most unequal and unfair societies in the western world, and much of the blame lies with stale economic ideas and centralised bureaucracies like the UK Treasury.

In this episode, we speak to Paul Collier (Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford) on the subject of his latest book “Left Behind”. We explore the economic divides reshaping societies, why certain places have been left behind, and what policymakers, regulators and investors do to help these communities catch up.

For our Views from the Boardroom section, Jacob speaks to Zuhair Mohammed (Head of Investment at LCP) to find out what he’s expecting in 2025, what he’s planning to talk to his clients about, and his wish list for changes within industry this year.

What’s one thing you would like listeners to take away from this?

  • Pensions must have a very big component of investment within Britain, meaning SMEs around the country, not just London.

Any recommendations for good books or podcasts?