Rob Guthrie

Rob Guthrie

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I am an investment partner with 20 years' experience of advising pension scheme trustees. 

I enjoy helping my clients put in place realistic and workable plans to reduce risk and secure the members’ benefits, which has led to a number of clients being able to fully buy-out the promised benefits with an insurer.

I ensure my clients make better and faster decisions by focusing on the most important aspects of the investment strategy; keeping things simple; and by giving straightforward advice.

LCP have a practical way of looking at things and cut through the noise on essential issues.

LCP Client

Defined contribution (DC) schemes are a significant investment, so it’s important to make sure that you get the best value out of your scheme and ensure the best possible outcomes for your members.

Fiduciary management is a hot topic, and has been a focus of the recent CMA review.  We ensure that clients fully understand the pros and cons, and help them to put in place the right arrangements for their needs.

In an increasingly complex investment market we focus exclusively on the needs of our clients. We keep abreast of the entire range of investment choices and access options and simply deliver good value best in class advice.

Getting the investment strategy right is the most important task to help ensure good outcomes.

Our intuitive, real-time pensions technology allows you to see the information you need when you need it, helping you to make decisions.