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Investment manager research

Selecting the right investment manager is a crucial role for institutional investors and we provide independent advice that helps clients select the manager that best meets their investment objectives.

Mountain with sky full of stars

We do not offer investment products and we do not earn commissions from fund managers for recommending their funds. Our team of experts will give you deep insights, explained in an engaging way, to make sure you really understand the pros and cons of appointing different managers and select the right one for you.

We look to secure favourable manager fees and set mandate restrictions that achieve your goals whilst also allowing the fund manager sufficient freedom to best manager the assets for your objectives.

Our global manager research programme is fully integrated into our advisory team. This means that information and ideas flow freely both ways.

How we can help

We use our well structured, proprietary approach to ensure consistency in our ratings for the investment process and the operational activities. We do not sit on the fence with our views and will call out managers and products that offer no clear advantage for our clients.

We negotiate on our clients' behalf to manage down fund fees, as our focus is on securing the best net of fee returns. For tailored mandates, we will help set limits that balance diversification needs with sufficient freedom to manage the portfolio across a wide range of market conditions. 

We do not offer a fiduciary management service, and thereby avoid that conflict of interest. This independence means fund managers are fully transparent in dealing with us, willing to exchange their latest ideas and work constructively with us to build new fund solutions, for the benefit of all our clients.

Global reach 

We are the European member of the Global Investment Research Alliance and have access to research on investment managers and markets from around the world. Our research covers all major asset classes in public and private markets.

Tailored to your responsible investment aims

Responsible investment principles are fully integrated into our manager research process, allowing us to tailor our recommendations to reflect your own responsible investment goals and priorities. We are signatories of the PRI, UK Stewardship Code and NZICI, which recognise the importance of environmental, social and governance issues to investors.

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about our services and how we can help you.

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