Pensions & benefits

Governance and value for members

Effective governance is crucial. We can help you understand what to focus on to have the highest impact, given time and cost constraints. 

As governance requirements pile up year after year, we will ensure you are aware of any developments and help you meet those requirements in the most efficient and effective way. Our approach is pragmatic and proportional, designed so that you fulfil all your obligations without undue complexity.

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We advise some of the largest DC schemes in the UK and Ireland and we have good relationships with providers. We use this experience and relationships to help you improve the value your members get.

Governance requirements are increasing year by year, and it can be hard to keep track of what you need to do, and also know how best to meet the requirements.

We adopt a client centric approach to governance. We keep on top of developments and will give you “hot off the press” updates so you don’t miss anything. 

Sometimes new requirements can be hard to digest, coming with lengthy guidance filled with jargon. We cut through all the detail and will tell you what you need to know and what you need to do in the clearest terms. We know people like to get updates in different ways, so for any material developments we run webinars where you can ask questions of our experts, alongside providing clear written updates.

One area of governance we are passionate about is helping clients improve the value members get from their pension arrangements. We have lots of experience to draw on to improve value, including from working with some of the largest DC schemes in the UK and Ireland, and have good relationships with providers, which helps with negotiating lower fees for your members.

We don’t take a one size fits all approach, and will engage with you to understand any particular requirements or areas you would like us to focus on when assessing value. 

We would be your trusted partner in ensuring you have a well governed scheme that offers fantastic value for members.

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